One of the workshops organized by Animal Center - AC (from FNUSA-ICRC, Czech Republic) within the RIAT-CZ project (“Creating synergies between research infrastructures to stimulate innovation in the cross-border region”) took place on May 15th – May 18th 2018 at the Institute of Molecular and Translational Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Palacky University Olomouc. The RIAT-CZ project is funded by INTERREG AT-CZ, the programme supporting Austrian-Czech cross-border collaboration. In addition to FNUSA-ICRC and VBCF (Lead partner), the project includes also the CEITEC MU, CEITEC BUT and IST Austria.
This practical workshop was focused on three TSE - systems: IntelliCage, PhenoMaster & MotoRater. The tutors were technical experts from the TSE-Systems company (Germany); Emrah Birinci and Gerhard Vornholt. Besides the representation of the AC, among participants, there were scientists from the Preclinical Phenotyping Core Facility - pcPHENO from Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities (VBCF, Austria) and Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN, Poland). The main purpose of the workshops was to study practical approach in behavioral experiments with the use of the aforementioned systems, as well as discover the secrets of their hardware and software. Besides
that, participants had a chance to learn more about rodent phenotyping practices, share each other´s experiences, and establish collaborations.