The Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities (VBCF) is a publicly funded non-profit research institute, situated at the Vienna Biocenter. VBCF offers access to stateof-the-art research infrastructure and scientific services. customers are academic research institutions and companies in the field of Life Sciences. VBCF is open for all forms of scientific collaborations. VBCF is organized in twelve scientific core facilities equipped with cutting edge instruments and highly skilled technical and scientific personnel:
Eight of these core facilities are part of the project.
VBCF is a young middle-sized reserach institution which has started its international project collaboration recently. Nevertheless it has already succeeded to win two COST actions as partner and the next ambition is participation in Horizon2020, for which several project applications are pending. Besides, VBCF has got large experience with leading and administration of national collaborative projects funded by FFG, FWF, and WWTF. The imaging CFs of VBCF took a leading part initiating the Correlated Multimodal Imaging Node that is designed to become the Austrian EuroBioImaging Node.