Hands-on Exome Sequencing Workshop

VBCF will host a hands-on workshop on Exome library preparation presented by our colleagues from the CEITEC Genomics group.

When: Tuesday 31.07 to Thursday 02.08. 2018
Where: VBCF building, VBC2 1st floor

Registering is necessary, please write to solexa.service@imp.ac.at if you would like to participate.
A maximum of 12 attendants will be accepted, slots will be given away on a first comes first serve policy.
Reagents for the full procedure will be provided by the facility and will be funded by an interregional Czech-Austria collaborative grant


Day 1:
10:00–11:00: Set up Fragmentation and Endrepair
11:00–12:00: Presentation: DNA library preparation methods
12:30–13:00: Lunch
13:00–16:00: Adaptor Ligation and PCR, check library on Bioanalyzer

Day 2: 
set up hybridization
11:00–12:00: Presentation1: Enrichment strategies (Hybridization, PCR)
12:00–13:00: Presentation 2: Data processing

Note: no lunch break, but a coffee break

Day 3: 

9:00–12:30: Wash and Recover the Captured DNA sample
12:30–13:00: Lunch
13:00–15:00: Post Capture PCR Amplification

(during PCR short talk about NEB products)


15:00–16:00: Quality control of finished samples using the Bioanalyzer. Final discussion and closing of the workshop

Coffee breaks and lunch for workshop participants included
